Promo Codes
This section will assist you in adding, editing promo codes as per your requirements. Promo Code will also help you get a report for the number of registration and admission done using the same.
Create a Promo Code:
You may create your promo code using these steps:
Go to Settings->Promo Codes
Click on the Add Promo button present on the right of the window.
Fill in the form with the required details.
Field | Is Required | Description |
Code Text | Yes | Mention the name of the promo code. |
Description | Yes | Mention any particular description you want to assign to the promo code |
Discount(%) | Yes | Mention the discount in %, you want to provide for the particular promo code. |
Max. Discount Amount | Yes | Mention the discount in amount and the maximum allowed discount here. |
Start Date | Yes | Mention the date of the start of promo code. |
Expiry Date | Yes | Mention the date till which you want the promo code to last. |
Field | Is required | Description |
Select package | Yes | Mention the Package you want your promo code to be added. |
Select | Yes | Mention the branch for which the promo code should be displayed. |
Add more | No | You may click on Add More, if you want the particular promo code to be updated for more than 1 package. |
4. Click on Create to get the same updated on the system.
Edit Promo code:
You may edit the details of any particular Promo code, the same can be done by following these steps
Go to Settings->Promo Codes
Select the Promo code you want to edit, click on the Edit button present on the right.
A form with previously mentioned details opens up.
Field | Description |
Code Text | Edit the name of the promo code. |
Description | Edit the description that was previously provided on your end. |
Discount(%) | Edit the discount in %, you want to provide for the particular promo code. |
Max. Discount Amount | Edit the discount in amount and the maximum allowed discount here. |
Start Date | Edit the start date of promo code. |
Expiry Date | Edit the date till which you want the promo code to last. |
Select package | Edit the package to which the promo code has been assigned. |
Select | Edit the branch you want the promo code to be applicable to. |
Add more | Click on this to add any packages to be linked to this promo code. |
Click on Update to save the changes.
Promo Code Statistics:
To overview the report of Promo code, follow these steps:
Select the Reports Drop Down option present on the top of the screen.
Select Promo Code Statistics from the same.
This report displays the details such as
Field | Description |
Code | Name of the Code. |
Discount(%) | Displays the discount in %. |
Max.Discount | Maximum discount available. |
Start Date | Mentions the Start date of the promo code. |
Expiry Date | Mentions the end date of the promo code. |
Status | Checks if the promo code is in active or Inactive state. |
Total Registered | Number of registration done using Promo code. |
Total Admitted | Number of Admission done using Promo Code. |