
This section helps in managing teachers present. You may add, remove, check schedules,updating payments for the teachers here. List of all the teachers are present under this for a particular branch.

Adding a New Tutor:

  1. Select Teachers from the left hand side of the screen.

  2. Click on Add Tutors option present on top right of the screen.

  3. A form with the following details opens up.




Provide the mail ID of the tutor


Mention the full name of the tutor

Contact Number

Mention the contact number of the tutor.

Alternate contact number

Alternate contact number can also be provided here.

Set Password

Set a password for the teacher to Login


Mention the branch where the teacher is active.

  1. Click on the Add button to add the teacher to the mentioned branch.


This section will help in exporting all the teachers for a particular branch in CSV format.

Edit Details:
This section assists in editing the details of the teachers as per requirements.

  1. Select Teachers from the left hand side of the screen

  2. Select the drop down option for the teacher whose details need to be edited.

  3. Select Edit Details.
    Teacher Details:




Edit the name of the teacher

Email Address

Edit the mail address of the teacher as per requirement.


Edit this unique Username generated for Login purpose.

Contact Number

Edit the contact number of the teacher.

Date of birth

Edit the Date of birth of the teacher here.

Alternate Contact number

Edit the alternate contact number provided.

  1. Click on Update to save the changes.

             Payment Setting:
             This section will help you set the payment for the teacher as per the requirements




Mention for which branch the teacher, the teacher should be paid

Payment type

Mention the criteria for making the payment of the teacher

  1. Pay by hour

  2. Pay by class

  3. Monthly Salary        


Mention the amount that needs to be paid to the teacher for the respective branche

  1. Click on Save to update the payment.

Show Schedule:

This section will help you in displaying a schedule for the particular teacher in a calendar format for the current month.

  1. Select Teachers from the left hand side of the screen

  2. Select the drop-down option for Show Schedule.

  3. A calendar opens up for the particular month, showing the details of the teacher’s classes.

Reset Password:

This section will reset the password for the particular teacher which will be used for login.

  1. Select Teachers from the left hand side of the screen

  2. Select the drop-down option for Reset Password.



New Password

Mention the New password for the teacher.

Confirm New Password

Confirm the password again by typing in the New password again.

  1. Click on Change Password to save the changes for the teacher.

Archive Tutor:

This section will help you remove a particular teacher from the system and as soon as you confirm the same, the admin will become the tutor for all the batches assigned to the teacher.

  1. Select Teachers from the left hand side of the screen

  2. Select the drop-down option for Archive.