SMS and Notifications


This section helps in keeping a track of all the SMS sent to students/parents/teachers. Buying of SMS can be done under this section,displays the number of SMS sent and the total pending messages. Creating messages and sending the same in bulk comes under this section.


  1. Click on SMS present on the top of the screen.

  2. Reports section of SMS sent opens up.




    Mentions the time at which the message was sent


    Displays the actual text that was sent to the particular person.

    Total Recipient

    Mentions the total number of recipients of the text message


    Successful messages sent


    Displays if the message was not sent successfully

    SMS used

    Displays the number of SMS was used while sending out the particular message.

    Export Report

    Exporting of the particular message can be performed using by clicking on Export Report.

  3. Enter Start date and End Date as per your requirement.

Buy SMS:

  1. Click on SMS present on the top of screen.

  2. Click on Buy SMS tab present on the right    




Mention the branch for which messages needs to be bought

Number of SMS

Mention the number messages that needs to be bought.

Final Amount 

Displays the amount which needs to be paid to paid for the number of messages input.

  1. Click on Proceed to Pay to buy the pack.

Bulk Message:

Sending messages in Bulk can be done by following these steps:

  1. Click on SMS present on the top of the screen.

  2. Select Bulk SMS.

  3. Select the branch for which the messages needs to be sent

  4. Input your message under the section of Messages.

  5. Enter the contact number of the people to whom these messages needs to be sent.

  6. Type in commas after each number, each number should be of 10 digits.

  7. Updating contact number can be done by clicking on Choose File and simultaneously updating all the contact details.(Click on Sample File to get a brief for the same). 

  8. Click on Send to deliver the message as per requirements.


Sending messages in Bulk to the teachers can be done by following these steps:

  1. Click on SMS present on the top of the screen.

  2. Click on Teachers section.

  3. Select whether an SMS, Notification or both of them needs to be sent.    

  4. Select the language using which the message needs to be sent. (Unicode can be used here for Hindi or other local languages)

  5. Under the Message section mention the complete message that needs to be sent.

  6. Select the teachers to whom this message needs to be sent, present on the right hand side of the screen.

  7. Click on Send to deliver the message as per requirements.


Sending messages in Bulk to the teachers can be done by following these steps:

  1. Click on SMS present on the top of the screen.

  2. Click on Students section.

  3. Select whether an SMS, Notification or both of them needs to be sent.    

  4. Select the language using which the message needs to be sent. (Unicode can be used here for Hindi or other local languages)

  5. Under the Message section mention the complete message that needs to be sent.

  6. Select the students  to whom this message needs to be sent, present on the right hand side of the screen.

  7. Click on Send to deliver the message as per requirements.


Sending messages in Bulk to the Leads can be done by following these steps:

  1. Click on SMS present on the top of the screen.

  2. Click on Leads section.

  3. Select the language using which the message needs to be sent. (Unicode can be used here for Hindi or other local languages)

  4. Under the Message section mention the complete message that needs to be sent.

  5. Select the students  to whom this message needs to be sent, present on the right hand side of the screen.

  6. Click on Send to deliver the message as per requirements.


  1. Click on SMS present on the top of the screen.

  2. Click on Enquiries section.

  3. Select the language using which the message needs to be sent. (Unicode can be used here for hindi or other local languages)

  4. Under the Message section mention the complete message that needs to be sent.

  5. Select the students  to whom this message needs to be sent, present on the right hand side of the screen.

  6. Click on Send to deliver the message as per requirements.

SMS Settings:

Update the SMS settings as per requirement of sending the message to the concerned person.

  1. Click on Settings drop down option present on the top right hand side of the screen.

  2. Select SMS settings from the drop down option.

  3. Select the concerned person to whom the message needs to be sent by checking on the box present to the different actions.

  4. Click on Save Settings to update the same.

  5. Access of enabling/disabling messaging can be done, by clicking on the Enable SMS present on the top right of the screen.

Note: You may edit SMS template sent to any student/teacher/Parent, by clicking on Edit template for the respective role. By hovering over each placeholder you will be provided with a brief description of the same.  

Purchase history:
Displays the purchases made on your end for the particular branch and provides an Invoice link to purchase the same again.

  1. Click on SMS present on the top of the screen.

  2. Click on Purchase history.
  3. A form with the history of purchases for the particular branch made pops up.
  4. Click on the corresponding message pack on the Invoice link to buy the same.

*SMS settings are updated branch wise.

*This document is exclusive of the Notifications feature, which will be released soon.

*App Notifications Settings is the same as SMS notification as of now.

*By default all the settings are turned on, please visit the settings for each of your branches to update the relevant settings as per your requirements."