To be able to link your domain/subdomain to your edmingle course site you need to update the DNS records (CNAME) with your domain provider. 

Setting up your own custom domain allows you to access your Edmingle site with a domain/subdomain you own. You may replace your <subdomain> URL with or

What is a domain/subdomain?

Domain: The web address where users can access your website. Eg.

Subdomain: A subdomain precedes your main domain address. Eg.

How to point your domain / subdomain to your edmingle course site?

Go to your Domain Host:

Log In to the service provider where the DNS of your website is hosted and go to the domain DNS settings.  

Set up a CNAME record:

A CNAME record is what tells browsers where to find your site when visitors navigate to your URL.  Please follow the below help docs for your respective domain provider to update your records:

  1. GoDaddy
  2. Big Rock
  3. Hostgator

The general steps to follow are as below:

  1. In your domain host, find the Domain Name Settings (DNS) for your domain.
  2. Add a new DNS record of type "CNAME". Please note that you cannot update your "A" records because "A" record requires an I.P address. Since Edmingle has a variable IP address, you can only add a CNAME record to point your domain to our servers.
  3. Set the name (the field might be shown as host/ hostname/ alias) of the CNAME record to be the subdomain of your website where you want to load your edmingle course site.  Some of the popular subdomains that you can use are "courses", "learn", "online", etc.

    Please Note:
    1. If you want to point your main domain to edmingle, the subdomain you should use is "www". In some cases, the "www" CNAME record might already be present. If it is already present, you just need to edit the record (No need of adding a new record).

  4. Set the value (the field might be shown as "Points To", "Target", "Value") of the CNAME record. This value should be set to

  5. The TTL field can be left as default value.

  6. Save the record and check if it is successfully updated.

  7. The majority of domain hosts specifies that it takes up to 24 hours for the DNS update to take effect but usually it takes effect with 30 mins.

Visit the URL which you pointed to the edmingle site to check if the updating was successful. Feel free to contact us on chat situated on the bottom right side of this screen in case you have any queries. We would gladly assist you.