How to Create an Online Test/Quiz:  

The first major step in creating an ‘Online Test’ is adding the question bank for the respective online test which you can later use it into the different tests as per the requirement.

Steps to add QUESTION BANK 

  1. Go to Courses & Content

  2. Click on ‘Question Bank’ on the top left-hand side. 

  3. Click on ‘Add new’

  1. Enter the required details such as Name of the question bank, Subject, Exam, Difficulty Level, etc as per the courses that are being taught by your academy. 

Based on the options selected they will be tagged to those filters which will help you to identify them with ease. 

  1. Click on Create if you want to add the questions later or Click on Create and Add Questions if you have your content ready.

Now that the Question Bank has been created questions should be added to make it work as per our requirements. 

There are two ways to add the questions

  1. Add them manually one after the other or (Click on '+Add New')

  2. Bulk upload of questions (Click on ‘+ Upload File’)

Bulk upload helps in the easy upload of multiple questions in the correct WORD FILE format required as per the system. To view the correct format to upload a question bank please check the Sample Files attached at the bottom of the page.

Create an Online Test:

Once the question bank has been created go to the course where you would like to create the online test. 

  1. To create an Online Test, Click on the Course Program name select the curriculum where all the created courses are listed.

  2. Click on ‘Manage Content’ on the Curriculum you wish to create the online test.

  3. Click on the section you wish to have this >> Click on ‘+ Add Assessment >> Online Exercise’ >> Fill out the details and Click on Create

  1. Once the exercise has been created you can click on ‘Test Data’ on top of the display window. You will get the option to manage the structure of your test. An online test comprises single or multiple parts. Under each part, you can attach a question bank.

  1. Click on ‘+Add question bank’ >> You will get pop-up providing options to create a question bank where you can enter the questions manually or choose from the existing question bank. Since you have already uploaded the question bank you can switch over to the tab where you can choose from the existing question bank. You can change the filter option and get the question bank you require. Click on Add corresponding to that question bank and it will be added on it. 

  1. You can also preview the created question bank using the ‘Preview Test’ option on the top right-hand side of the screen. You will get the exact view as it would be available for a student. If it’s as per your requirement you can close that window. 

  1. If you wish to create another part in the same Online Test you can click on ‘Add New Part’ enter the required details and click on Create. Once you have created a new part the process is the same to upload a question bank. 

  1. You have successfully created an online test.